The Pink & Blue Daily


A Daily Peek into the Lives of Serena & Bret

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Bret Update

This won't be nearly as long as Serena's post, but Bret is really starting to be quite the little personality!  He signs "More," "Eat," "Ninny," and "All done."  He gives love (hugs), blows kisses, waves bye-bye, says "Mama" and "Dada" and "ninny" and "GAH!" (always very urgently and excitedly) which means "ball."  He insists on getting as much equal attention as Serena whenever possible.  He really loves his Daddy and gets SO excited to see him.  He especially loves 'wrestling' and getting thrown around.  It doesn't bother him a bit to be upside down or pushed around or swung in the air.  He loves it all and comes back for more, plowing into you with his head down!  He's sleeping in his own bed full time now, and hopefully soon I'll be moving his bed into Serena's room.  He eats pretty much everything I offer him, though he went through a phase of being really suspicious of new foods!  Thankfully we're on the other side of that one!  :P  He LOVES cows milk, which is the opposite of Serena.  He also loves climbing, and the most consecutive steps he's taken is 6 (he just did that last night!).  His most favorite toys are balls.  I cannot even express to you how happy a ball makes him.  Just throwing them, holding them, rolling them, watching them (ie., in a ping-pong game); he's a happy camper when balls are around!  I can barely get through the produce aisle without his throwing a fit!  He gets all worked up about the displays of apples and oranges and other round fruits, pointing and shouting, "GAH!  GAH! GAH!"

1 comment:

jules said...

Hahaaa the last sentences about the fruits being balls cracked me up!! What a cutie, and it sounds like ALL BOY!!