The Pink & Blue Daily


A Daily Peek into the Lives of Serena & Bret

Sunday, July 8, 2012

A Day on the Road

We left around 9 Sunday morning and headed for the Cities.  First stop on the agenda was the reception site to pick up some of the decorations that needed to be taken back to Iowa.  After a last goodbye to Mom, Grandma, and Julia, we headed for Cabela's in Owatonna.  The kids loved it there!  The animal displays are really amazing, and the aquarium kept them entertained for a long time, too!  A nice lady who worked there let Serena pick out a fish bait (must have been defective?), and Serena was so attached to her "fish" for the rest of the day!  She loved on it, put it to sleepy in her basket, and made plans to put it to sleepy when she got to Grandma & Grandpa's house that night.  ;)  

Next, we stopped up in the Cities to pick up a dog trailer.  Jordan once again displayed amazing negotiating skills as he bought the trailer from a professional salesman who refused to budge on his price.  We even drove away, only to receive a call from the guy a few minutes later saying he would sell us the trailer for the price we wanted after all!  Wow, that Jordan never ceases to amaze me!!!!

After getting the trailer, we headed for Cedar Rapids.  I texted Julie to see where she and Eric were (I knew they'd be coming up 35 at some point that afternoon), and then she and I kept texting our mile markers until we met!  We each took a picture of the other's car, heehee!  Here's my picture of theirs!

They're in the white car
The kids slept most of the way from the Cities to CR (thankfully!!!).  When they woke up, they were pretty high maintenance to keep happy (particularly Bret), but we finally made it around 7.  They were so happy to be back at Grandma & Grandpa's, out of their carseats, and to get some food in their tummies before crashing in bed!!!!

1 comment:

jules said...

that was SO fun:) I'm glad we 'saw' you!