The Pink & Blue Daily


A Daily Peek into the Lives of Serena & Bret

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Serena's Big NEW Bed

We've been talking about Serena's big NEW (emphasis by Serena) bed for a couple weeks now, and the anticipation of the special day that we would actually make the switch to the big bed was building!  It was a little hard for me to want to move her into a big bed, since she still likes her crib just fine; but with the baby's expected arrival just over 6 weeks away, I figured we'd better get on with it so we'd have time to work out any kinks before the baby came.

Waking up in her crib for the last time

The little Bretster just being unbelievably always!  ;)

Love the rollers, heehee!  ;D
 I volunteered in the church nursery this afternoon because we had a sudden influx of children and only one worker scheduled!  YIKES!  Enjoyed the opportunity to get some pictures of some of the kids' little friends, though!

Bret doesn't like being left in nursery, but after a 10-second cry (literally), he does really well.  BUT, if I tell him Serena is in there, he will walk in of his own accord!  I only have a couple more weeks of enjoying that benefit, though, since Serena will be 'too old' for nursery once she turns 3!!

Little Mommy

Serena is so lucky to have 4 little girl friends all within 9 months older than her!  She LOVES them and looks forward to playing with them each week!

When we got home from church, Daddy "built" Serena's big bed.  It was quite the production, since we had to rearrange the kids' room to accommodate the big bed and I also wanted to move Bret into Serena's crib so we could have Bret's crib available for the new baby.  Took quite a while to get everything set, but excitement was running SO high and we had lots of 'help'!  ;)

All ready for bed!!  Notice that HUGE smile!  Believe it or not, she actually went right to sleep without a single peep!  (As for the Dora pillow...she doesn't even know who Dora is - we don't let the kids watch TV and besides I can hardly stand Dora  :P - it was a garage sale find.  Serena loves having a 'girl' on her pillow, haha!)

Heehee I just love this one!

1 comment:

jules said...

I feel like I've seen all of these posts, but I must've had a hard time leaving comments on that particular day?!

Anyway, I remember back to when I first saw these, thinking HOW CUTE - Serena's big curls AND smile! Fun to see her with church friends. AND, the bedroom pictures of her and Bret being 'room buddies' just makes me smile:) I love them!!!