The Pink & Blue Daily


A Daily Peek into the Lives of Serena & Bret

Monday, March 19, 2012

"Then I'll Drive!"

Serena is just talking so much now, it's been lots of fun to hear all she has to say!  Today, Jordan set her up on the kitchen counter to have "a little talk" with her about how she was getting too big, and she needs to stay little.  Serena kept saying "No" all cute and sweet while shaking her head; she knew Daddy was teasing her.  Then, he started asking her if she was going to get as big as Mommy.  She thought for a little bit, then said, "I get bigger and bigger, and then I drive!"  !!!

We've been taking walks just about every evening since it's been so nice out!  At the end of our drive (which is about a 1/2 mile long), there are wagon wheels on either side with tulips planted around them.  The tulips have poked out of the ground, and with the warm weather, they have grown noticeably every day!  Serena LOVES walking down to see the flowers.  She counts them all and checks them very carefully.  I can hardly wait for some flowers to actually bloom!  She's going to be SO excited!  Whenever we start out on our walk, she'll say, "We go see flowers!  They waaaayyy over there!" and when she says "waaaayyy over there" it's in a really high voice as she holds her thumb and forefinger up to the horizon and squints her eyes like she's looking at something very small!  It's hilarious!  I have no idea where she got that, but it's cute!

1 comment:

jules said...

I remember seeing Jordan post this on facebook:) I love how she puts growing up like mommy with driving - who knew she was so excited to drive?? Watch out or she'll end up driving through the gate toward the creek like Uncle Jason did when he was little! ;)