The Pink & Blue Daily


A Daily Peek into the Lives of Serena & Bret

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Serena Update

Serena has a doll that was a gift from Grammie a month or so before her first birthday.  This doll is her main baby doll and one ‘milestone’ I’ve been anticipating is the day when Serena would finally decide to name her baby.  I thought surely she would name it “Keira” or “Katie” or “Emma” or “Hannah” after one of the little friends in her life.  But, no.  Serena came out of my room the other day (where she’d been tending to her baby) with her baby all wrapped up in a blanket.  She stood at my elbow for a moment, as though waiting for me to notice how well she’d wrapped her baby (a technique she’s been particularly interested in perfecting lately).  “What a sweet baby!” I said.  “Her name is Olie,” she responded.  (Pronounced Oh-lee).  “Olie?” I repeated, just making sure I got it right.  “Yes, Olie,” she affirmed matter-of-factly.  And she’s been Olie ever since!  I have to admit being a little disappointed in her choice of name for her baby, but I guess she’s original!  ;)

Serena loves songs and singing and music.  She’s really starting to sing a lot of songs on her own while she’s playing.  Sometimes she makes them up, but now and then I recognize a song.  It’s so fun (and sometimes funny!) to hear her sing!

The other day, I walked into Serena’s room to wake her up from her nap.  It was after 4, and I hadn’t heard a peep from her.  She nearly scared me half to death, because there she was bouncing up and down on her pillow!  “I ecited for you to wake me up!” she squealed!

Apparently Olie is an integral part of our family now.  Last night, Serena sat down by Rocky and held a dummy in front of his nose.  “Seena, Mommy, Bet, Daddy, Olie, Macy, Chica, Miss Cheryl, Mr. Earl, ROCKY!” (This is a version of a drill that Jordan often does with Rocky.  Rocky just sits there until his name is finally called, and then he grabs the dummy.)  It cracked me up that she included Olie in the list!

Serena loves the cows that live in the pasture bordering the property where we live.  She usually talks to them or about them every day on our walks.  The other day she said, “Okay I go over to cows?” (this is how she asks permission for everything, “Okay I…”).  We gave her the go-ahead, so off she went towards the fence.  The cows watched her suspiciously and then took off running in the opposite direction!  They ran down the hill, creating a huge cloud of dust.  We saw them a little later cresting over the next hill and they were still running, haha!  Serena looked completely baffled as to why her ‘friends’ were running away!!  I’ll admit Jordan & I were laughing!  ;)  She’s tried a couple more times, and the cows still trot away, but at least they don’t stampeded anymore!  She also tells the mommy cows they need to go put their babies to sleepy in the garden.  “Okay?  Okay.”

1 comment:

Sincerely, Grace and Owen said...

This post was crackig me up I was literally LOL while reading it!!